How to do Kegel exercises is a skill all women should acquire. This is especially after child birth. Where the baby has been sitting on these muscles for over nine months. Below is a question on lady asked on the same issue.
Dear Getrude, I had a baby a few months ago. I have started having sex with my hubby once again, but I can’t help feel big. A friend recommended Kegel exercises, but didn’t elaborate on how to do them right. Please explain. New mom.
Hey new mom, all great things in life come with a little sacrifice. I am sure the baby makes up ten times over. You are right; Kegel exercises can restore the grip or better make the vagina tighter. Doctor Arnold Kegel invented the Kegel exercises, thus the name Kegel. The exercises are to strengthen the pelvic flow muscles.
The pelvic muscles weaken due to pregnancy, childbirth, obesity and aging. In some cases multi sexual partners. As a result of weak pelvic muscles. Sex can be less pleasurable for both the woman and her partner. Also involuntary leaks of urine when one sneezing or coughing could also occur. Pelvic organs could also descend and bulge into the vagina. Coursing many complications ranging from uncomfortable pelvic pressure to leakage of urine. While Kegel exercises are great for women of all ages, men too can benefit. Leading to harder erections and delayed premature ejaculation due to better muscle control.
Technic is essential. Many women end up toning stomach or backside muscles. To locate the right muscles, you apply brakes half way through peeing and take note of what muscles you use. The other option is to insert a finger or two into your vagina and squeeze. Using pee is for locating the right muscles only. Performing Kegel exercise with a full bladder could actually weaken the muscles.
You will know you have located the right muscles when you feel your pelvic muscles move up. The vagina will also tighten when you tense and relaxed when you let go. Now that you have identified the muscles tighten. Do this for between 5 to 10 seconds and relax for the same duration. Repeat 4 to 10 times, 3 times a day. Like most exercises, results are evident after about 2 months of regular exercise. Sorry if you were looking for a solution for the weekend.
If you wants faster and better results. You will do well in investing in a vaginal gym. Duo balls are a very good option. Using the gym as opposed to simple Kegel exercises. Is like compering the gym using weights and exercising at home.