5 reasons why women enjoy Mombasa Raha more
Women enjoy Mombasa Raha more
Women have a lot more Mombasa Raha pleasure points than men. For example they have the clitoris, G-spot, A-spot as opposed to men with just Mr. Victor. Also women have more nerve ending in all these spots as well as other place like the nipples. Making women more responsive to stimulation than men. What’s more women can achieve multiple orgasm in one session while men have to wait to reset before getting a second one.
Having said that women are more restricted to the Mombasa Raha excitement due to their monthly cycles.
Fertility window
Foreplay and Premature ejaculations
All these potential for a woman to enjoy Mombasa Raha more than men are lost to wishful thinking if the man is not up to the task. So husbands must play their role in women enjoying Mombasa Raha. As a rule of thumb I urge couples to spend at least 20 minutes on foreplay to stimulate the woman enough.
Premature ejaculation is another hindrance and should be dealt with as soon as possible. See my artticle on the issue …
Premature ejaculation; how to prevent it – Getrude Mungai’s Blog
5 points to why women enjoy
Women are capable of multiple simultaneous orgasms as compared to one for men
Women have two options for orgasm; the clitoral orgasm and G-spot orgasm
A woman’s orgasm lasts about 23 seconds as opposed to a man’s mere 6 seconds (almost 4 times longer)
The female sexual organs have the same and more features compared to the man.
– The clitoris is equal to the penis. Both erection, but the clitoris has no other function other than sexual pleasure.
– Then the woman has the G-spot, the inner and outer lips and the vaginal canal, all pleasure points. -
A woman doesn’t need a refractory period (time to recover from an orgasm to arousal); she can go on and on.

The solutions to help women enjoy Mombasa Raha more
The responsibility for her own sexual pleasure (orgasm included) is hers. Not her husband’s. If she doesn’t do anything, then he will be more than happy to continue to do his thing.
She must know her own body and what makes her tick. Then teach the husband. Waiting for him is futile, why would he change when he is happy and satisfied.
Women must slow men down and insist on effective foreplay. Foreplay that will stimulate more erogenous zone. Men will oblige so long as they get to do their thing later. Plus all men want to pleasure their wives in bed – a greet ego trip.