Every woman must know when to cover or display her cleaveage
The cleavage is an all purpose body part that God has blessed women with, but depending on how we display it to the public is could be both a blessing and a curse. We all know the power of the cleavage especially on men, thus a woman must wisely know when to cover and when to unleash the mesmerizing view.
A low cut top in an office setting is not appropriate as colleagues and clients will not concentrate on the task at hand but rather on the view. The same can be applied in a family gathering where God forbid, the whole lot of male in-laws would be staring at your chest to the disgust of your mother-in-law and shame on your husband. Likewise, a woman in a low cut top in church would attract all the wrong attention.
But, on the same token while hanging out with your husband a little flashing of this assets could transform you from a mere wife/mother to an object of desire. You must have heard of complains from men on how women on getting married, ‘let themselves go’ resulting in boredom and a sparkles relationships. Well, we women must be hot to our men at all stages of our lives. So how can we attain this balance using our cleavage? Below is a video of how… enjoy