Every woman goes through dry moments and by this I don’t mean lean times. I mean vaginal dryness. This could lead to painful sex as well as bruises. Making many women shy away from sex. Vaginal dryness is viewed as an women’s issues. The thinking is a woman should take care of it on her own. Leaving women with on option other than to figure it out on her own. Vaginal dryness is very easy to remedy. Women shouldn’t despair here is how.
Women married to men who associates wetness as a sign of sexual arousal. Are worse off as such men equate it to lack of interest. When a woman is wet, this type of a man also credits himself. As well as his skills in the sack as having excited his woman. So much so that she wets upon his touch. He would otherwise feel inadequate. And his ego bruised if she goes through a dry spell. ‘Baby do you love me?’ would be a typical out-of-the-blues question as insecurity kick in.
Another type would spit on either the penis or vagina. In the attempt to remedy the situation. Usually to the dismay and turn off of his woman. So what causes dryness?
Symptoms of vaginal dryness
A dry Miss Victoria may have symptoms such as:
Itching or stinging around the opening
Burning sensation
Pain or light bleeding after and during intercourse
Recurrent (UTI) urinary tract infections
What causes dry moments?
Dry moments are are caused by a number of issues. Some self-inflicting and some unavoidable , such as:
Hormones: Estrogen is the hormone that ensures the vagina stays well lubricated. Any changes in the estrogen levels affect wetness or lack of it. During menopause as well as peri-menopause stages the estrogen levels decline. This is also the case after childbirth and when breast feeding. Chemotherapy also affects estrogen levels thus leading to dryness.
Medication: Some cold, allergy and asthma medication could also cause dryness.
Beauty products: Chemicals in soaps, detergents, perfumes on underwear and towels. Could cause problems for women allergic to the chemicals. These chemicals could also be in douching products.
Anxiety and stress: The biggest sexual organ is the brain. When a woman has psychological and emotional issues. Sex desire drops leading to dry moments.
Lack of foreplay: if your husband is the kind to jump on top of you like a frog. Or if his idea of foreplay is; woman brace yourself. For others its that probing hand in the middle of the night. Even worse is when the woman has just found a comfortable position to sleep in. Then the man start asking for it. In such situations, dry moments will definitely set in. Men must realize that most women take time to warm up. Foreplay of at least 20 minutes should get the average woman wet.
So what is a woman to do with dry moments?
Given that dry moments will happen sooner or later. It’s imperative for every woman to invest in a good lubricant. A water based lubricant is best. Unless your man is taking you for water sport Mombasa Raha (sex). Or for those who love doing it in the shower. Then an oil based lubricant will do. The main difference between a water and oil base lubricants. Is, the water based one will wash off in the water but the oil based one will not. For extra smoothness you could use a silicon based lube. To add fun you could also buy a warming lube that gives that warm feeling for both of you. There are also lubes like the shrinking gel that contract Miss. Victoria giving that feeling of tightness.
Remember the mark of a good lubricant is how long it lasts during sex. A good one should last about six hours from when applied to when sex happens. Also during sex it shouldn’t become sticky after a short while. If it does then its not of good quality. The ultimate lube is one that integrates so well with your natural lubrication. That the man can’t tell the difference.
How to apply
Now that you know the usefulness of lubricants. Please resist from applying half a tub. Thinking the more the better. This might have an effect that you and your partner might not enjoy.
Too much lube with make the vagina make splashing sounds like someone walking on a wet muddy patch. The ideal application is 2 or 3 drops. Applied on the lips and the vaginal opening. This could after a bath. Bathing removes most natural lubrication. Applying early also given time to mix with one’s own natural lubrication.
In case you forgot to apply before sex. Everything will flow well. Imagine a situation where you have to stop and look for the lube because you are getting too dry. That could be such a joy-kill.
You should take charge of the situation, by applying before hand. Should he want so action without notice. You can still come out looking good. By applying a few drops on his penis and proceed on to massage him. Pay attention to the head and neck. I hope you have already invested in my 19 steps to a great hand job DVD. This DVD with show you how to warm him, get him to erect and most importantly how to rock his world.
Don’t ever let dry moments ruin your sex life. When life throws lemons at you, make lemonade. Happy lovemaking.
19 steps to a Hand job DVD