Miss Victoria toning and tightening
Miss Victoria toning and tightening
Miss Victoria toning and tightening is one of those things most women want especially after childbirth. Contrary to popular belief, natural childbirth is not the major cause of loose Miss Victoria muscles. The biggest cause is the weight of the baby on the muscles during pregnancy. So one can have weak Miss Victoria muscle even with the caesarean section
Furthermore, some doctors stitch so well that Miss Victoria muscles become better toned than before natural childbirth. Some women achieve the big ‘O’ for the first time after giving birth. But these are rare cases.
Most of the time the pelvic muscles waste away and lose sensitivity after childbirth. Muscles, nerves and blood vessels in this area take a beating during pregnancy and childbirth. More so in cases of a big baby(s).
So what is a woman to do to tone Miss Victoria?
The first thing a woman must keep in mind is; Miss Victoria is a muscle, so it needs exercises to tone and tighten like any other muscle. To bring back elasticity and good grip. Also with increased blood flow, she will become warmer and wetter. And with nerves reactivated the sensation will return boosting libido. For all this to work, it is advisable to do Kegel exercises.
How to do Kegel exercises
First, a woman must identify the right muscles. Otherwise, she could be busy working on the tummy or backside muscles.
Locating the pelvic floor muscles is a bit tricky. One way of identifying these muscles is by imagining you are stopping the flow of urine and at the same time stopping a fart. At the same times ensuring your thigh, bottom and stomach muscle are relaxed. This takes a bit of practice. Once you can do this right you are on the journey of Miss Victoria toning.
To exercise hold the muscles for between five to 10 seconds. Repeat four to 10 times, three times a day. Like most exercises. Results are evident after about two to three months of regular exercise. Miss Victoria toning and tightening should be done with the legs slightly apart – about shoulder alignment. Miss Victoria can be toned while sitting, standing or even lying down on your back.
Kegel gym gym
Like I mentioned above, identifying the muscles is no easy and without much resistance, it will take quite a bit of time. This is where you might consider investing in a Kegel ball gym for Miss Victoria toning and tightening. Kegel ball gyms are more effective with faster results. So if you can afford them the better. They also help in extreme cases where incontinence occurs. This is where women can’t hold pee due to weak muscles. Others have Miss Victoria farts during Mombasa Raha or when performing certain tasks. Like sudden bending.
To use the gym, one ball goes in and acts as a weight. This weight must be the right shape and made of suitable material so they don’t cause infections. When using a gym one gets positive results within a month or so. What’s more, they are reusable and so long as one takes care of them they can last a very long time. I advise women to use them once a year.
A toned and tightened Miss Victoria leads to more frequent and intense orgasm for women and more pleasure for their partners – more sexual satisfaction.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LhL4dM3hRk[/embedyt]