Penis size is a big concern for many men. The belief that the big the size the better the performance get them worried.
Penis size
The average size is about 5.6 inches, but the media only showcase men with 8 or more inches. This worry 95% of men who are average or below. Thus many seek ways to enlarge the penis size. As one reader asked in the question below.
I have a small Penis and it’s a very big disadvantage. When I want to try some sex styles it becomes difficult to reach. Could you please tell me? Are there any known and safe ways of increasing the penis size without any side effects? I have heard of Pills but I don’t trust them. I have also heard of Laser Therapy but I am not sure. Please tell me the best cure for this. Member.
Dear member, penis enlargement is a hot business. One needs to turn to the classified section of the daily newspapers to see the many adverts on the same. The reason for this hype is. Many men obsess over their penis size, shape, and curvature as opposed to performance. Those with less than the average size. Feel inadequate. Not man enough thus the preoccupation with enlargement.
No safe way to enlarge
As far as I know, there is no safe enlargement procedure. Most processes have serious consequences, while the majority are outright cons. No medical board worldwide has endorsed any of those methods. But that has not stopped men in their quest to prolong their penis.
The procedures range from exercises and weights. To creams, herbs, and surgery, with alleged success and failures. Men seek to either elongate or thicken their penises. The most popular method is the penis pump. Which creates a vacuum and draws blood into the penis for extended periods of time. With hope, it would extend the tissues. Pumping when overdone can burst blood veins and tissue injury. It could also suck in the testicles causing severe pain and injury. Cheap fake pumps out there are also causing damage. Most of these pumps are not calibrated for the correct pressure. They could create too much suction. This could deform the penis. Please don’t use the house vacuum cleaner, a guy almost lost his family jewels.
Another procedure is Jelqing (milking). Where men pull and pause repeatedly, a semi-erect penis hoping to elongate it. Some even go to the extent of tying weights on the penis to pull it down. These methods can burst blood vessels, cause bleeding, infections, and erectile dysfunction.
Pills and creams
Pills, creams, and herbs are also in the market. They promise all sorts of benefits. But studies have found some of these products to have heavy metals and even faecal matter in some cases.
Surgery is another option used to elongate or increase girth (width). Medics and quacks inject Silicone and other materials into the penis. And sometimes balls to make them appear bigger (see the article on freak enlargement). This procedure can reduce sensitivity and if overdone it could render penetration impossible. Scarring and deformation are other side effects. There are many other surgical procedures to lengthen the penis. Yet they are expensive and also may have severe side effects.
Almost all the procedures result in only about 2 – 3 cm at best. Satisfaction rate in most cases no more than 20%. Furthermore, most women will freak out on seeing a deformed penis (one with lumps). A penis that feels funny or cold due to the implants. What’s the point of having a big one if you can’t even penetrate or get it up? Who at this point would be more of a man? One with a small but super-functional or one that’s a lame ugly, big for nothing?
I have said countless times that if the size was all that matters. If it were then only 5% of men would not get hitched. I would imagine a mass migration of women from certain countries to others seeking big ones. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself be the “man”. Use what you have well. There are men out there who wish for what you have. For your information there are as many women who are small down there!